“When we share stories from our lives, we begin to open ourselves to others and perhaps nowhere are others more willing to come close enough to hear them than when they are being told a story.”

— (Shabatay, 1991, p. 150)


Welcome. My name is Brenda Marshall and this is my personal website - The Narrative Life!

Narrative is a research method, a form of therapy and for me, a way of moving through life. I like to think of myself as an “arts-informed narrative researcher.” I love making sense of things through my writing and most recently, through creating cartoons!

I first learned of Narrative as a research method while working on my M.Ed. I had a wonderful teacher. Later when completing my PhD, I was part of a group that used “arts-informed” ways to share their research. Our goal was to make our work accessible to larger audiences. And that really helped me see new ways to present my work in the Grief and Bereavement field. I wanted to invite people into the conversation not scare them away! Right now I’m interested in mental health and how to reflect some of my own experiences with pictures and create new conversations. I’d love to hear what you think of my “maya_mygdala” cartoon series!

Here I plan to share some of my projects and musings on life. Ultimately, I hope that there may be something here that makes you smile, nod in agreement, or even want to reach out with a question or comment. Thank you for stopping in!


PS You can read a more “corporate” bio about me here.

PSS For information about my work in the grief and bereavement field, visit www.solaciumgroup.ca


My two books. Stories (real life) about beloved siblings.


“A story, in other words, is a theory of something.  What we tell and how we tell it is a revelation of what we believe.” 

—(Carter, 1993, p. 9)